陳郁敏的小小漣漪|在朗讀與聆聽的儀式中,心靈是完全連接的 Couples who read together, stay together

今年年末祝賀卡片是特別製作的,用我們倆在都蘭山前跳躍的照片,再把它轉化成手繪圖(謝謝Bana和Bella的創意)。 收到卡片的朋友都很喜歡,有一位還簡訊說羨慕朱平和我的modern love fairytale。







前陣子開車聽podcast,聽到演「金剛狼」的演員休傑克曼Hugh Jackman分享他如何與結婚24年的太太維持戀愛的親密感。我覺得他的方法很有趣。他說:


“we wake up whatever time we’ve got to get up, I go down, I make a cup of coffee for me, a cup of tea for Deb. We come back up… and we read. We read for at least 30 minutes, and then we meditate together. And that way—it’s become our favorite time of the day as a couple. And we know that, no matter what happens in the day, which invariably gets away from you, you’ve had that quality time together. And so that’s just been a godsend. It’s been an absolute blessing.


We read out loud to each other. So we split it up. We do half/half, and we read out loud to each other. It’s interesting. If you’ve got something on your mind, you know, often it stirs during the night and it could be—I’m not just talking negative stuff, it could be ideas. … So I find the first thing in the morning—you know, we’ll be five minutes into reading … and we might just stop and say, “Hey, I’m worried about this.” Could be something about the kids or stuff, or, “Stuff’s on my mind.” And then we’ll just end up talking about that, you know? But often just the reading itself sparks things in us, gives us ideas, things to talk about, come together with. But we read the same book out aloud to each other.”


這是Hugh Jackman和太太每天早上的儀式。起床後他泡兩杯飲料,在床上互相朗讀30分鐘,然後一起靜心冥想。不管那一天是多麼忙碌,他們已經擁有兩人的獨處的美好時光。




1. 重點是朗讀同一本書,不是各看各的書。當朗讀時,因為聲音是有情感的,兩人的思緒會有畫面及連結。


2. 一定要是早上起床後的第一件事,不然就會被其他事情耽誤了。如果平日上班沒時間,可以在週六或週日進行,當成週末的約會。不建議晚上,朗讀的人正唸得起勁突然聽到旁邊的打鼾聲會感到氣餒。


3. 挑書很重要,最好是一本雙方都好奇,但不是各自專長的題材,必須是雙方都同意才加入書單。我們書架上很多買了沒讀的書,挑了這一本 Conspiracy: Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, and the Anatomy of Intrigue


4. 一起讀書一起學習,會避免兩人變成沒有共同話題的室友。在生命伴侶關係中彼此是互相依賴的獨立個體,各有各的喜好及生活圈,這是健康的。但是如果沒能有意識的、有計畫的一起學習,僅是在各自的領域成長,慢慢的形成沒有共同點的兩個圈子,彼此就會越走越遠 (grow apart)。








“Today, is the tomorrow you were so worried about yesterday. ” Anthony Hopkins

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